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iO HVAC Controls T-S2 20K Indoor Remote Wired Sensor

Category:iO HVAC Controls
Manufacturer:iO HVAC Controls
Product code:T-S2
Product available
iO HVAC Controls T-S2 20K Indoor Remote Wired Sensor

General specs

  • Product codeT-S2
  • ManufactureriO HVAC Controls
  • SKUT-S2


  • Dimensions5.00in x 5.00in x 5.00in
  • Weight5.00 lb
  • T-32-S1 and S2 Indoor Sensor Installation Sheet Rev 06-25-14

This sensor is used to monitor temperature in a remote location from the thermostat in indoor applications.  The T-S2 can be used in temperature averaging applications where you are using multiple sensors to measure temperature.
