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QwikInjector QT2520 Two Ounce Injector

Category:Service Parts
Product code:QT2520
Product available
QwikInjector QT2520 Two Ounce Injector

General specs

  • Product codeQT2520
  • ManufacturerQwikProducts
  • SKUQT2520


  • Dimensions10.00in x 10.00in x 10.00in
  • Weight1.00 lb
  • Qwik Injector Data Sheet

QT2510 0.5 oz., QT2511 4 oz., QT2520 2 oz.

Anytime a liquid product needs to be introduced into an operating system QwikInjector® can be used. QwikShot® Refrigerant and Oil Treatment, dyes, oils and additives can all be quickly added. Our patented displacer piston cap assures that all air is displaced from the QwikInjector® as the cap is tightened.
