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Daikin 3MXS24RMVJUA 24,000 Btu Multi-Zone Condenser

Product code:3MXS24RMVJUA
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Daikin 3MXS24RMVJUA 24,000 Btu Multi-Zone Condenser

General specs

  • Product code3MXS24RMVJUA
  • ManufacturerDaikin


  • Dimensions0.00in x 0.00in x 0.00in
  • Weight100.00 lb
  • 3MXS24RMVJU Submittal
  • Daikin Multi-Zone Brochure

3 Port, 2-Ton Outdoor Heat Pump

Multi-Zone systems provide very high efficiency and comfort.  Daikin's Multi-Zone Systems are ideal for multi-room applications desiring individual room comfort in a space-saving design and sold by a Veteran Owned and Operated HVAC Authorized Distributor. With the ability to connect two, three, four, or five indoor units to a single outdoor unit, over 1,000 combinations are possible with the choice of wall mount units, ducted units, ceiling cassette units, floor mounts or a combination. Suitable for both new build and renovation projects, Daikin Multi-Split Systems are the smart, reliable solution for your home.

Premium comfort features:

  • Energy Efficient – Up to 20.2 SEER, 12.5 HSPF, up to 12.7 EER
  • Variable-Speed Inverter Compressor
  • Cooling Range 14° - 115°F
  • Heating Range 5° - 60°F 