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Clean Comfort CC3-HCMSESP-KIT Three Zone Controller

Clean Comfort CC3-HCMSESP-KIT Three Zone Controller
General specs
- Product codeCC3-HCMSESP-KIT
- ManufacturerClean Comfort
- Dimensions0.00in x 0.00in x 0.00in
- Weight5.00 lb
The CC3-HCMSESP-KIT is a 3 zone heat/cool zone panel designed for residential and light commercial zoning applications. The Clean Comfort zone panels create an easy-to-use, bypass-less zoning system integrating AI-driven electronic static pressure technology. As zone dampers open and close, the static pressure is continuously monitored. If the static pressure in the duct system exceeds the static pressure set-point, the panel intelligently communicates to all idle zone dampers. The zoning panel will then begin opening the idle dampers to a maintained static pressure, eliminating the need for a bypass damper.
Standard Features
• Adjustable static pressure switch eliminating the need for a bypass damper
• Auto changeover
• First call priority with time share
• LED status indication
• Independent fan control by zone
• Short cycle protection
• Requires 3 wire power-open, power-close dampers
• Adjustable high and low limit
Construction - Aluminum back plate with mounting holes
Mounting - Snap track with 2 back plate screws
Dimensions - 8.00" Height x 6.00" Width x 1.50" Depth
Operating Temperature - -40o F to 150o F
Time Delays - 3 minutes off between cooling calls
3 minutes off on low limit
20 minute time share