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Arzel GTPro Panel

Product code:PAN-GTP
Product available
Arzel GTPro Panel

General specs

  • Product codePAN-GTP
  • ManufacturerArzel
  • SKU


  • Dimensions5.00in x 12.00in x 12.00in
  • Weight14.00lb
  • GTPro Brochure

GTPro® offers customized comfort control while maximizing the efficiency of geothermal units. It provides built-in controls for several different staging parameters, allowing for more precise management to save time, money, and energy. The software-based technology behind the GTPro® is extremely user-friendly. Any necessary software changes will be uploaded to the website and a service technician can then save it to a USB drive to be downloaded to the panel at the job site.

The ground loop temperature sensor monitors the ground loop temperature ensuring proper function of the system. The loop monitoring allows for more aggressive staging when the loop temperature starts to reach a critical point. The system will stage up based on the temperature of the ground loop, keeping it at an acceptable level for maximum efficiency.

The GTPro® is perfect for both new construction and retro-fit applications, combining the most reliable, easiest to install zoning systems with the energy efficiency of geothermal units.
